OrganFax News

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Rye Concert Postponed but also some Good News!

Posted: Friday 31st January

Rye February Concert Postponed and Some Good News!

The Rye Wurlitzer team have been in touch to say that, unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond their control, the concert planned for 23rd February has been postponed, so the next event at Rye will be featuring the incredible internationally renowned jazz singer Liane Carroll, Michael Wooldridge at the Wurlitzer, drummer Dean Morris and a Fish and Chip Supper at 7.15pm on Friday 7th March.

They also have the Wurlitzer's 100th Anniversary Variety Show with an all star cast, including two top organists and a cream tea, coming up at 2.30pm on Sunday 6th April.  Already, two thirds of the seats for this event have been sold, including two coach loads attending, just like in the old days, so do please reserve your seats as soon as possible by calling Richard on 01424 444 058. (opens in new tab)

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