Jon Smith our President

OrganFax Directory

South Yorkshire Keyboard and Organ Club

Telephone Number :  01909 562 639   or   07967 229 094

Email address :

Contact name :  Jon Smith

Venue address : The Resource Centre, 131 Laughton Road, Dinnington, S25 2PP

About South Yorkshire Keyboard and Organ Club

The South Yorkshire Keyboard and Organ Club has been running for over forty years and during that time we have featured nearly all the popular players on the organ club circuit.

We run fortnightly concerts, at 7.30pm on Tuesday evenings, and are fortunate to have renowned organist Jon Smith as our President, who, rather than just being a figurehead, takes an active part in the running of the club.

In the early days we were a very bouytant club and had a membership of over a hundred but then reduced in number and came close to calling it a day but, through our hard working committee running fund-raising events to cover concert losses, we were able to muddle through.  There efforts were rewarded as in the later part of the year we noticed an increase in audience numbers.

We arte pleased that, post-pandemic, our numbrs are rising well again, with many people really looking forward to their regular friendly nights out of good music.

The entrance fee for Concerts is £10.00 for guests and £8.00 for members.

South Yorkshire Keyboard and Organ Club's Photo Gallery

Jean Martyn James Sargeant Andrew Nix Tony Stace Brett Wales Nicholas Martin Jon & Chiho Tim Flint DirkJan Ranzijn Alistair Kiernan Mike Hall Dave Thomas

South Yorkshire Keyboard and Organ Club's Concert Diary

January 7thRobert Davies
January 21stChris Powell
February 4thMark Thompson
March 4thMark Speight
April 29thRod Pooley
July 8thSteve Hubble