OrganFax Directory

Sheppey Keyboard Sounds

Telephone Number :  07786 183 455

Email address :

Contact name :  John Milway (Jt secretary)

Venue address : Sheerness East WMC, Queenborough Road, Minster, Sheppey , Kent, ME12 3BZ

About Sheppey Keyboard Sounds

The club was founded in February 1984 by a group of local enthusiasts with a common interest in electronic organs and music in general. A meeting has been held nearly every month since that time. In early years, meetings were held at the Masonic Hall, Sheerness.  In January 1987 the club moved to the Borough Hall in Queenborough but changes in circumstances in December 2010 brought about the move to the current venue - that of the Sheerness East Working Mens Club at Minster. Since that first concert meeting back in 1984 a great number of artistes, from all over the country, have made the journey to Sheppey and performed in concert at the club's meetings, playing music in many contrasting styles, on many different makes and models of organs, hopefully to satisfy all tastes. 

The very high standard of entertainment that has been offered over the years at a reasonable cost to both members and guests has seen both attendance at the concerts and the club membership remain at a very high number. Members and guests travel to the island from many areas throughout the county, on some occasions even from other parts of the country, to attend the concert evenings.

The club is also extremely active socially with very successful short-break holidays having been arranged over the years for members and their friends, both in England and to the continent.  Theatre trips have also been arranged. 

The club has also promoted  very successful Open Air Summer Concerts in the Esplanade Gardens on the Sheerness sea front.

Every December since the year 2000, the club has arranged Sunday afternoon Christmas Concerts.  All of these concerts have proved to be popular and have been completely sold out.

The Sheppey Organ Club meets at the Sheerness East WMC Minster, usually on the last Friday of each month.

Concerts start at 2.00pm as from January 2022

In 2022, it was decided to update the club with a change of name, from "The Sheppey Organ Club" to "Sheppey Keyboard Sounds"

The annual membership subscription, payable on 1st March each year to cover the period 1st March to 28th February, is £10.00,although this is currently subject to review, although membership may be applied for at any time during the year.

Members admission £5.00

Visitors admission £6.00

Sheppey Keyboard Sounds's Concert Diary

January 31stDavid Ingley
February 28thChris Powell (more details)

With Joanne Powell

March 28thLee Dewsnap
April 25thAndrew Varley
May 30thMark Speight
June 27thChris Powell (more details)

& Joanne

July 25thElizabeth Harrison
August 29thTony Stace
September 26thMichael (Mike) Sullivan (more details)

2pm start with Elspeth Sullivan vocalist

October 31stBrett Wales
November 28thMatthew Bason
December 14thNicholas Martin B.E.M.