Our Committee. left to right Clive & Fran Fitchford, Tony Lawton (Chairman) Chris Lawton (Membership Secretary), Malcolm Wild (Secretary & Vice Chairman), Barbara Wild, Bill & Shirley Ford, Peter & Yvonne Rushton, Sue Bowers (Treasurer), Colin Bowers.

OrganFax Directory

North Staffs Organ and Keyboard Club

Telephone Number :  01536 517744   or   07743 134301

Email address :  matthew@matthewbason.co.uk

Contact name :  Matthew Bason

Venue address : Wolstanton High Street Club, High Street, Wolstanton, Newcastle, Staffs, ST5 0HE

About North Staffs Organ and Keyboard Club

The North Staffs Organ & Keyboard Club (formerly The North Staffs Electronic Organ & Keyboard Club) was formed in 1969 by a group of electronic organ enthusiasts, whose interest was, as is now, listening to and watching some of the top organists in the U.K.

Concert nights are held on the first Thursday of each month, starting at 8pm, featuring a top professional organist. We aim to give a balance of type of player, i.e. modern electronic/theatre/middle of-the- road etc. and a variety of makes of organ, to cover a wide range of musical tastes from month to month.

On the third Thursday of each month, we hold an 'Open Night',  starting at 7:30 pm, when our own members and guests entertain us, playing the Club's own organ, or bringing their own. The Club owns a Ringway RS600  as a good all round organ catering for all tastes.The club also owns a Yamaha Digital piano & Tyros 5.

We give full encouragement to beginners and experienced players alike, whether playing a simple piece of music, or a complicated arrangement. We also, from time to time, ask a local organ dealer to give a demonstration of the latest instruments, or a talk about an organ-related subject.

The Open Nights provide a warm social evening, when fellow 'Organ Nuts' can get together to talk about their favourite subject, and make new friends. New members and guests are made very welcome, and quickly become 'one of the family'.

We own a video projector, screen and cameras and are able to project a close up of concert organists hands in action. It is a far better alternative to the stage mirrors that many organists use. This was made possible due to a successful application to 'Awards For All' (lottery funding). This, along with our stage lighting and effects, has made an incredible improvement to our members' enjoyment, and visiting artistes have been very impressed by the professional way in which we stage our concert nights. We are also able to connect a laptop computer to the projector for presentations, advertising and are finding more and more ways to use our new equipment.

On February 7th 2019 we celebrated our 50th Anniversary. The evening commenced with a light afternoon tea, followed by conceert performances by John Cooper and Paul Carman closing with a cabaret spot by Paul.

Tony (former Chairman) & his wife Chris (former membership secretary) were honoured for their 25 years service, with a presentation from all members & committee of beautiful inscribed plaques, flowers, champagne and a cheque for £200. They were both overwhelmed by the members generous donations and were completely unaware that anything had been organised. 

We regularly raise money for local charities by organising 'Playathons' in supermarkets and shopping centres. Our members are very supportive of these events either by volunteering to play their keyboards or by collecting. As well as being a lot of fun, attracting new members and getting ourselves known in the area, to date we have  raised over £12,000 for Air Ambulance, Arch, DMH, Alzheimer's Society, Breast Cancer awareness, local church organ restoration fund & Diabetes UK. Our latest Playathon was on 23rd November.at Asda Tunstall with proceeds going to DEAFvibe, a charity who are self funding & give support to people with hearing loss.

The club usually holds a concert on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm and our Open Night is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm

Subscription: £6.00 single, £11.00 dual

Members Concert admission: £5.00

Visitors Concert admission: £10.00

Open Night £1.00 Members & Guests



North Staffs Organ and Keyboard Club's Photo Gallery

Some of our Open Night players Open Night - Keyboards at the ready Brett Wales in concert  Chairman's 25th anniversary presentation Members enjoying their afternoon tea  50th Anniversary cake Tony & Chris cutting the 50th Anniversary cake  Paul Carman & John Cooper, our entertainers

North Staffs Organ and Keyboard Club's Concert Diary

January 2ndMatthew Bason
February 6thElizabeth Harrison
March 6thChris Powell
April 3rdDavid Harrild
May 1stJohn Cooper
June 5thMark Thompson
July 3rdAndrew Nix
August 7thPete Shaw
September 4thDaniel Watt FLCM
October 2ndChris Stanbury
November 6thBrett Wales
December 4thMichael (Mike) Sullivan
December 11thTony Stace