Telephone Number : 01462 671 991 or 07837 784 930
Email address :
Website :
Contact name : Alan Marshall
Venue address : The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 1EF.
One of the first professional organists to play for the society was Robert Wolfe, who made regular appearences together with others to play the Christie Organ, as did the members. This arrangement with the Stotfold Social Club continued until 1985 when it was decided to move into the Free Church Hall in Letchworth. In 1987 the Stotfold Social Club closed and at the A.G.M of the Stotfold and District Organ Society it was decided to change the name to the North Herts Organ Society. The Christie Organ was moved to the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage where it still resides today.
Another move took place in 1991, when the North Herts Organ Society changed its venue to the Plinston Hall in Letchworth. The first concert was held on 27th March with Brian Sharp playing his own Yamaha HS8. In 2004 we celebrated our 25th birthday with a dinner/concert, guest organist for the night was James Goff.
Late in 2011 we were advised by the Plinston Hall that they would be closing for the whole of 2012 for reburbishment. This meant we would have to move to another venue. We were lucky to find a new location in Letchworth Icknield Center , the facilities offered are very modern and better than we could have wished for, a modern sound system, and three cameras are at our disposal, together with a technician to operate them. The venue was introduced to the membership at our AGM and a concert was given by Mark Thompson, we had some very nice comments and calls to say how much the membership liked are new venue. We hope we shall not have to make any more moves for a long time.
Friendship Centre Federation.
We are pleased to announce that the N.H.O.S is now a member of the Friendship Centre Federation. The F.C.F is an organisation bringing together nationwide groups and clubs. Each group/club organises its own individual activities, but all other groups in the Federation may join in as and when they would like to. Activities on offer include, a Ski Group, a Golf Group, a Computer Group and many others. The Federation has their own website where you can find many other groups listed by area, who also have their own websites, direct access to N.H.O.S site is or through the main page, members, by region, east anglia. There is also a bi-monthly newsletter available on the home page.
Society Meetings.
The Society usually meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Concerts start at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm.
There is a break from 8.30pm to 9.00pm for refreshments and a raffle. Concert finishes at 10.00pm.
Annual Subscriptions.
Membership:- £10.00 per person
Admission Prices.
Members:- £12.00. Visitors:- £15.00
New members are always welcome, please pass the word around to friends and aquaintances.
Our Newsletter contains committee reports and information on the last concert as well as a brief bio on our next artist, plus a musical quiz. It also has the contact details for our Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter editor.
Newsletters are preferred to be sent by E Mail to members addresses, printed copies are available to be collected on concert nights from the front desk for members without E Mail, and some on request are sent by post . At the moment nearly 50% of our membership receive newsletters by E Mail. But we would still like to increase the take up, any members who are interested in receiving their newsletter by this method, please send your email address to the secretary for inclusion. This method also proves to be invaluable method of contacting members in an emergency, as in one instance we had to cancel a concert at short notice.
Thank you to the members who have joined the E Mail system. We hope you like receiving by this method and will continue to support this method as it saves the society a lot of money, allowing us to keep our entrance fees down, should there be any problems please don't hesitate to contact your committee.
We would also appreciate input from members regarding concerts, visits to festivals and the like, in fact, anything you may consider interesting to other members. This also applies to the Organfax Website.
2025 | |
February 5th | Steve Hubble |
April 2nd | Michael Wooldridge |
June 4th | Chris Powell |
July 2nd | Andrew Nix |
November 5th | Tony Stace |