Telephone Number : 01424 848 793
Email address :
Contact name : Derek Knight
Venue address : Egerton Indoor Bowls Club, Egerton Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, TN39 3HL
It is with deep regret that we have had to close down Rother Keyboard Club with immediate effect. We very much hope you will continue to enjoy live keyboard music in the area, perhaps by supporting concerts at Rye or at Uckfield, both only about 30 to 40 minutes drive from our venue. There are also, of course, the lovely keyboard festivals, where you can hear many top players all in one location, and share in the cameraderie of being with other like minded people.
For more information visit
Rye Theatre (opens in new window)
Uckfield Wurlitzer (opens in new window)
Keyboard Cavalcade Music Holidays (opens in new window)
The Society was founded 49 years ago as the Hastings & Bexhill Organ Club, and has seen the Organ and Keyboard scene change considerably in that time. It is our aim to engage the top professional organists from around the country to perform at our concerts, with many of them travelling hundreds of miles to be with us.
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