Littleover Social Club

OrganFax Directory

Derby Organ and Keyboard Club

Telephone Number :  01332 775 975

Email address :

Website :

Contact name :  John Maltby

Venue address : Littleover Social Club, 61 Blagreaves Lane, Derby, DE23 1FQ

About Derby Organ and Keyboard Club

The original electronic organ club in Derby was the Hammond Organ Society, which was formed in 1967 by Vincent Doyle, Philip Foulds, Arnold Moreton and a group of organ enthusiasts who were interested in the new electronic organs produced by Hammond. There have been a number of changes in the ensuing years.

The Derby Organ & Keyboard Club, as it had become known, was formed by a small number of enthusiasts and nearly closed in 2000. A move to St Georges Social Centre brought new life to the club for many years, and we were well looked after by the staff at the Centre. 

2019 sees another move for the club, to Littleover Social Club and we welcome anyone to visit us for an evening of superb music.

We hold monthly 'social' evenings, where members are encouraged to bring their own instruments and play informally. This is a good opportunity to get to know friends within the club.


Concert evenings are the 4th Monday of the month (except Bank Holidays), with Social evenings on the 2nd Monday of the month.

Annual Subscription: £5.00 Commencing Jan. 1st. 

Members admission to Concerts: £8.00, Visitors £10.  CONCERT TIME is 7.30pm

Admission to the Social evenings are £2.00 including refreshments. (Tea/coffee & biscuits) SOCIAL TIME is 7.00pm

Derby Organ and Keyboard Club's Photo Gallery

President of the Derby Organ & Keyboard Club Phil Brown Vice President of the D.O.K.C. Chris Powell  One of our favourite Top Organists, Chiho Sunamoto Roland Atelier 900 on stage at St Georges Tim Flint Performing at Derby Claudia with her Wersi

Derby Organ and Keyboard Club's Concert Diary

January 27thPhil Brown CT FVCM HonVCM MCP MCDST
February 24thMatthew Bason
March 24thRobert Davies
April 28thDavid Ingley
May 19thIan Griffin
June 23rdMichael Carter
July 28thMark Speight
August 18thNicholas Martin B.E.M.
September 22ndMichael Wooldridge
October 27thBrett Wales
November 24thClaire Greig
December 8thChris Powell (more details)

With Joanne Powell