OrganFax news brings you all the latest from the world of the organ and keyboard. From new product launches, to festivals and other exciting events. Please feel free to contact us with any news you would like featured on this page.
Once again, our friends at St. Peter's Church in Cradley, Halesowen, are staging some super free concerts, featuring favourite entertainment organists on their fine Compton organ. All concerts have Free Admission. Make a note of this year's dates:
Saturday 18th January - 2.30pm - Organists On Parade - Celebrating the 120th Birthday of Reginald Dixon! with Cameron Lloyd, Damon Willetts, Alec Walters and David Lobban
Saturday 5th July - 2.30pm - Michael Carter with Music from the Movies & More! Lots of well known tunes played on the Cradley Compton and Yamaha Stagea
Saturday 13th September - 2.30pm - An afternoon of Music for Wonderful Weddings with Victoria Barlow playing the Compton and Piano
Saturday 15th November - 7.00pm - Silent Film Night with live accompaniment by master musician David Ivory at the Compton Organ
For more information about these and other non-organ/keyboard events, call 0121 550 1158
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