OrganFax Directory

St Albans Organ Theatre

Telephone Number :  01727 869 693

Email address :

Website :

Contact name :  Michael Guiver

Venue address : St Albans Organ Museum, 320 Camp Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 5PE

About St Albans Organ Theatre

Our regular series of theatre organ concerts start at 3.00pm, with doors opening at 2.30pm.

A unique playing collection of mechanical (self-playing) musical instruments - ranging from reproducing pianos, musical boxes, Victorian hand-turned Organettes and the Mills Violano - (a rare coin operated, self playing violin with integral piano) to four large Belgian dance organs.  The collection also includes two working theatre pipe organs.

The organ theatre doors open at 2:30 pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from March until November when all the working instruments are demonstrated and introduced with an informal descriptive commentary.  Visitors can join at any time during the afternoon.

Parking available at the Organ theatre and nearby.

Party bookings and group visits also accepted by arrangement - coaches can be accommodated at the Organ theatre.

Our shop stocks a range of souvenirs and cd recordings

Refreshments available in the interval 



St Albans Organ Theatre's Concert Diary

March 8thPhil Kelsall MBE
April 12thJohn Mann (more details)

With David Ivory

April 12thDavid Ivory (more details)

With John Mann

May 10thStephen Foulkes
June 7thRichard Hills
September 13thRobert Wolfe
October 11thMichael Wooldridge
November 8thAndrew Nix (more details)

3pm We will remember them

December 13thElizabeth Harrison